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Derb among the Pod People.
Diversity is, in short, a cult; and I started to feel that if I hung out in that room much longer, I should be in need of some serious deprogramming. In any case, it was time for my own event. I snuck out quietly, leaving the pod people all ululating in happy unison at someone's mention of Larry Summers.
John Merony gives me
new respect for Howard Hughes.
Fifty-three years ago this week, Howard Hughes found himself locked in a battle against powerful political forces he believed were bent on undermining the free-market system. The billionaire industrialist, airplane manufacturer, and filmmaker became so passionate about the fight that he summoned all his emotional and physical strength to overcome a crippling fear of the public so he could make his case for what he saw as truth, justice, and the American way.
Your calendar may say 2005, but for the California Assembly it is now
Its an old story with leftists of course, pretending to be champions of unpopular ideas and free speech while in reality being first to censor and punish those whose ideas differ from theirs. Any conservative graduate of a major or minor for that matter American university in the past 20 years can testify to the lefts stultifying intolerance known unapologetically as political correctness a phrase straight from Stalins lips to your ears.
I suspect that at least one young woman is going to be a better mom now that she has tried three times to kill her child
only to have him live.
The boy was delivered in hospital after his 24- year-old mother changed her mind about wanting the child after feeling it move on the way home from an abortion clinic.
A study shows that depriving children of animal food products permanently
damages them. The results were so startling that it led to the claim
that it is
unethical to ise children as vegans. But who are you going to believe? A leading nutritionist or "Sir" Paul McCartney?
And finally, neither Reuters nor Amnesty International seem to care a whit for their credibility. Try to read
this without laughing.