Thursday, December 15, 2005

That Dubya is so Duu-uumb

Here the stupid cowboy whipped up a hurricane just to kill black folks, and ended up missing the target!
Statistics released by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals suggest that fewer than half of the victims of Hurricane Katrina were black, and that whites died at the highest rate of all races in New Orleans.
We'll be standing by to see this trumpeted in the press, followed by Louis Farrakhan's apology.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a symptom of the mentality that has emerged as a result of the fantastically priviliged circumstances we've enjoyed in this country since the end of WWII, in my humble opinion. The analogy is exercise. When times are hard and one is pursued by sabre-toothed tigers, one runs, eats light and well, and stays lean, hard, and ready to handle adversity as an individual. As times get better and one develops the means to defeat the tigers, then passes those means on to his children, grandchildren, etc, the succeeding generations become less fit, endure less environmental pressure, and come to the conclusion that a cush life is the base line. Then Katrina hits. Rather than responding with "How can I solve my problems?" the people respond with, "Who can I blame? My parents? The government? Big business? Whom can I sue?" It's just nature. After Pearl Harbor, the country got lean and was united in fear for its existence. We pulled together and dispensed with the whining--there was simply no place for it. Now, we've got plenty of padding. I maintain when I see this sort of thing that it just shows how good we have it, and further, that responses like this will continue to emerge and be tolerated until things get bad enough that the majority says, "Shut up and get to work, or just sit there and be left behind."

11:07 AM, December 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way, the "number of comments" field on the main page doesn't seem ot be updating!

11:32 AM, December 16, 2005  
Blogger Craig said...

It updates for me every time I reload the page. It's not a "push", so you have to do a reload to see new comments, articles, and comment numbers.

Thanks for stopping by Buttle's World.

11:35 AM, December 16, 2005  
Blogger Craig said...

Anybody else here suspect that bubba didn't quite get the joke?

9:57 PM, December 16, 2005  

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