The Fourth Monkey's Name
is Search No Evil. Newsbusters reports that
Something frighteningly ominous has been happening on the Internet lately: Google, without any prior explanation or notice, has been terminating its News relationship with conservative e-zines and web journals.I was a long time fan of Teoma. It has now been merged with, and seems to work about as well as it used to. Yet another reason to boycot the Google monster.
Funny to call for a Google boycott from a blog hosted on Blogger, with a nice column of Google ads on the side.
In any case, I applaud and defend your right to take your business elsewhere. Google, in turn, has all the right to post any news they like in Google News. It's a free market after all.
Yes, that's becoming a problem. Buttle's World may need to find a new home. I just haven't the time to search for one just now.
Would be nice of Google just stopped being evil, though.
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