Monday, March 06, 2006

A Good Question

Some large Sunni tribes have just declared war on al Qaeda. Jim Robbins asks a good question: Why do the media insist that Zarqawi is winning?


The WaPo has picked up the story and added more information.
"Hawijah was never a hideout for terrorists and fugitives," the statement added. "Anyone who provides refuge to terrorists will be considered and dealt with like a criminal and terrorist."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I had the perspective of fifty years' time to place this in context; is this a sign of slow progress or a gasp before civil war? It's difficult these days to pare the truth from the spinning.

11:35 AM, March 08, 2006  
Blogger Craig said...

How did you know how old I am?

I think it's hard to spin the fact that locals are declaring war on the ousider terrorists. It puts a lie to calling the terrorists "insurgents", which they aren't by any stretch.

A "civil war" is between locals. So this isn't one.

11:38 AM, March 08, 2006  

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