Thursday, December 08, 2005

Why Johnny is Fat

One of my hot-button issues is diet. Every time I see some food called "junk", "unhealthy" or, for that matter "healthy" I want to slap some sense into the speaker. Between Vegans, Militant Vegetarians, Enviro-nuts and just plain Nosey Nanny types people seem to be all confused about what to eat.

For starters, organic is just a marketing term used to sell ordinary or sub-standard foodstuffs to the gullible. Given a choice between organic or regular at the store, I always choose the cheapest.

And just as there is no such thing as junk food, there is no such thing as health food. All food is healthy, else you can't really call it food. Applying the maxim that "the dose is the poison" you arrive quickly at the fact that all foods are good, but some diets aren't. If you eat a variety of foods, it really doesn't matter if some of what you eat is candy, milkshake, cheeseburger, or even the colored, sweetened grain dust sold as "breakfast cereal". Just don't eat too much of anything, nor too little of the nutrients you need. This isn't rocket science.

Since the Do-Gooders replaced the "Four Basic Food Groups" with "The Food Pyramid" obesity has skyrocketed. Some say that's because people went nuts with the idea of getting fat out of their diet, and it all got replaced with carbohydrates. Note also that you stay satisfied longer with a protein/fat rich meal than one of pure carbs. But this leads to another pet peeve:

There is no such thing as fattening food. There are only fattening diets. Eating fat is not what makes you fat. It's just the First Law of Thermodynamics, folks, and there's no way around it. If you absorb more calories than you burn, you gain weight. If you burn more calories than you absorb, you lose weight. Period. End of story.

A great column by John Hood covers much of this ground, but provides new data I hadn't heard:
Furthermore, the line of causality from advertising to obesity must run through the intermediate point of eating more, or at least more calorie-laden, food. But there is surprisingly little agreement about this. Federal data reveal that average caloric intake of U.S. teens rose by only one percent from 1980 to 2000, while obesity rose 10 percent. Sedentary lifestyles seem to be the more significant factor. During the same period, average physical activity dropped by 13 percent. In the British medical journal Lancet earlier this year, researchers concluded that the extent of exercise "plays an important role in weight gain, with no parallel evidence that energy intake had a similar role." I'm not necessarily saying that American children shouldn't eat more fruits and vegetables and fewer curly fries. But inactivity is the far more serious culprit here, and the institute is doing no family any favors by suggesting otherwise.

If you're an adult, you are 100% responsible for how much you weigh. If you are a parent, you (and no corporation nor advertiser in theh world) have responsibility for how your offspring tips the scales.

And for crying out loud, don't buy organic if you can help it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there even such a thing as a food that is not organic?
Organic means carbon-based chemistry, and every living thing on earth is organic. About the only foods that are not organic are minerals (and we need them in slightly smaller quantities than rocks).

1:29 PM, December 08, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

agree completely. want to lose weight? eat less, exercise more. it's not rocket science, you're right; unfortunately it requires a little self-control and doesn't involve celebrity endorsement, so you don't hear much about this particular method.

2:12 PM, December 08, 2005  
Blogger Craig said...

You're right, Lane, about organic. If I were the sort of person who used bumper stickers I'd put one on my car saying "This Car Runs on Organic Fuel".

10:15 AM, December 09, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lane and Craig, I think you guys are confusing organic food with organic chemistry. Saying that all food is organic is like saying that a bicycle is "natural" because all the chemical elements that form it appear in nature.

Craig, you slam organic foods without giving any references. My experience is that organic fruit usually tastes better than the regular stuff. Any pointers to reasons why my experience might be inaccurate?

12:10 PM, December 17, 2005  
Blogger Craig said...

Trust me, we know the difference. Especially Lane. You ended up making our point again with "natural". That's yet another marketing term with no real meaning. Unless competing products come from a parallel universe or something.

So-called "organic" farming is very inefficient. If the whole world switched over to it, millions would die of starvation. The reason the fruit you've had may (seem to) taste better is that those farmers are generally aiming at a higher-end market, so they may take more care or get the fruit to market fresher. But it doesn't make it a whit healthier than regular fruit.

I'm not so much slamming organic (except as just being often overpriced) as I am slamming the idea that "organic" is somehow automatically "better" or "healthier" or, worse "better for the environment". There's just nothing about "organic" farming that really means anything - except that it has bigger losses to pests.

10:21 PM, December 18, 2005  

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